19015 36th Ave. W., Suite E
Lynnwood, WA 98036
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
iFly; Richmond, BC
New Indoor Skydiving Facility
In Design
Puget Sound Kidney Center (PSKC); Lakewood, WA
New 18,000 SF Kidney Dialysis Clinic
Under Construction
Everett Public Library - South Branch Expansion; Everett, WA
8,595 SF Existing Building Renovation, Including Lighting Upgrades,
5,232 SF Addition and 36 Stall Added Parking
Under Construction
Admiral Station; Seattle, WA
New 4-Story, 48 Unit, 54,094 SF Apartment Building, Includig 17,744 SF Sub-Grade Parking Levels and 2,379 SF Commercial Space on Main Floor
In Design
Tacoma Dome Station Parking Garage - LED Lighting Replacement and EV Chargers; Tacoma, WA
Lighting Fixture Replacement for Entire Garage Facility (Including Exterior and Support Spaces) with LED, and Addition of Approximately 5 EV Stations in Each Garage; East Garage - 6 Level, 340,000 SF; West Garage - 7 Level, 393,000 SF
Under Construction
310 11th Ave. E.; Seattle, WA
New Multi-Family Condominium Project with Estimate of 23 Units - Includes Sub-Grade Parking Garage
In Design
444 Ravena Apartments; Seattle, WA
New 7-Story, 97,000 SF, 117 Unit Mixed-Use, Multi-Family Apartment Building, Including 24 Stall Sub-Grade Parking Garage and Commercial/Retail on Main Level
In Design
Westgate Chapel; Edmonds, WA
1,976 SF Remodel to Existing Sanctuary
In Design
Below are just some of the projects AWA is currently involved with: